
The Connectors: Tadd Tellepsen, Part Two

By Wayne O'Neill

Yesterday, we introduced our new series, The Connectors, with former client Wayne O’ Neill Tadd Tellepsen. He worked for two years with Wayne O’Neill and Associates on The Connections Process, so he had more than one post’s worth of information to share about his experience. Today, we’ll pick up where he left off.

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The Connectors: Tadd Tellepsen, Part One

By Wayne O'Neill

When you’re coaching abstract concepts, it’s not always easy to explain the impact it has. People have a hard time coming to terms with things that don’t equal to new numbers plugged in on a spreadsheet to determine value. Because of this, we’re reaching out to others in my network who’ve been through the coaching with me, have leveraged it, and made it out on the other side. They’ll be contributing to the blog periodically about The Connections Process, so you, the reader, will have another perspective on what we do at Wayne O’Neill and Associates.

First up is Tadd Tellepsen. Co-Owner of Tellepsen Builders.

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