
Insights from Engineering News Record (ENR) FutureTech West 2013 Conference

By aleneolson

Industry leaders at the recent Engineering News Record (ENR) FutureTech West 2013 Conference explained and demonstrated the latest and future uses of technology, including simulation and computational approaches to analysis and aesthetics. Specialty contractors showed examples of advanced modeling and production technologies that they were adopting. In addition, new apps are being used in ways that improve project outcomes. With so much information and so much technology today, the key question that Larry Beasley of Wayne O’Neill & Associates posed in an interview following the ENR FutureTech Conference was: “How do you find the right data and how do you use it more collaboratively?”

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Managing Multiple Generations for Effective Collaboration

By Wayne O'Neill

The “traditional” business model is no longer working. Why? Competitors are now global and come from younger, fast growing markets who approach business differently. Overarching these challenges is the need to successfully hire the right people, work effectively with leadership and manage today’s multi-generational workforce…

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Building Your Business by Working with Different People

By Wayne O'Neill

How are you doing at working with different kinds of people? How do you grow your company when people are speaking so many languages? Bringing diverse perspectives from the technical and nontechnical worlds together produces some of the most creative business solutions and innovative results…

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Revenue Growth Workshops

Stewardship to Equity