
Create Stronger Connections Through Your Online Presence

Today, connection happens online as well as in person.

Here at RESET, we coach connection — and we take the digital world into consideration within our methodologies because now it’s just as important as the offline world is.

We believe that a strong digital platform is a competitive edge in creating more informed, stronger connections.

Many companies wonder how they can more effectively use the internet and social media to advance their business. Read on for three ways you can leverage your online presence to connect better with your audience.

1. Structure Your Messaging

The first thing you need to do to leverage your digital platform is create a structure around the output of information from your team about your company.

Whether you’re sharing company updates through a blog, videos, guest articles, or social media posts, it’s important to let people know what’s happening in your business. Share information about your products, services, team, or any interesting projects you’re working on.

Your leads and prospects will want to know what’s happening inside your world, and what you represent as a company.

2. Structure Your Marketplace Commentary

Next, create a structure around the output of information from your team about your marketplace.

Dial in your digital content to the business and political issues of your target audience. Even more specifically, share the issues that your company is trying to solve for them.

This means empowering your team to keep an eye out for articles, social media posts, videos and other content that your target audience would want or need to know about.

Unless you plan to let your team post every piece of content as soon as they find it:

Create a review and approval process that works with your organizational structure to make sure that all content gets evaluated before you post it to your digital platforms.

Designate a digital collection area to queue content for distribution. Evernote works well for this.
And make sure to assign someone to monitor metrics, so you can learn from what content performs well (and what doesn’t).

3. Use Digital Platforms to Inform Yourself

While the first two tips had to do with output, the third tip is about gaining input — or to be more specific, insight — from online platforms.

In addition to the usual customer research, get additional details about your customers’ business and political issues by spending time in their online spaces (e.g. their websites, social media platforms, any articles written about them).

Combine this with the information your customers are giving you directly to create a more 3D picture of your customers and your target market.

This way, as you set out to build customer relationships, you come more informed about the way they think and what it is they want to do — and you’re in a better position to establish and deepen the connection.

The Bottom Line

At RESET, we firmly believe that our own online strategy is key in making the connections that we really want to have in the marketplace. In fact, the video on this very page is helping us make more informed connections between our team and yours.

We encourage you to utilize our Facebook business page, our videos and our blog posts as resources to create more informed connections for your own business.

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